Emmaville Primary School

Performance Poetry Competition

8th March 2024

This year’s theme was ‘A Poem I Love’. All the children chose, practised and performed a poem that they loved. They really enjoy sharing their poems with their classes. It was lovely to see the listeners enjoy the performances too!
Each teacher chose a class winner and from those winners, Miss Armstrong and Mrs Hamilton picked their top 3. It was a really tricky decision as they were all so amazing! They were very impressed with the way the children used their voice; projecting, pronouncing words clearly and using expression. The children also added gesture and posture to make their performance more interesting. They showed good eye-contact with their audience. They noticed the children using different voices to emphasise a change in character too. Most of all, they were impressed with the enthusiasm that they showed for the poems that they love!
Our class winners are: Reception: Newcastle – Kai Gateshead – George Year 1: England – Maisy Scotland - Max Year 2: Northern Ireland – George Wales – Erin Year 3: Northern Europe – Chloe Southern Europe – Sebastian Year 4: Africa - Eva Asia – Ollie Year 5: Antarctica – Georgia Oceania – Grace Year 6: North America – Adam South America – Aaron
And a drum roll for the overall whole school winners… 1st – Adam (North America) 2nd – Grace (Oceania) 3rd – Erin (Wales)