Emmaville Primary School

Aims of the School

It is our aim to offer a high quality learning environment, an environment where every member of our school community is valued and respected. To this end we will endeavour to create a happy, safe, responsible, well ordered and stimulating community in which children can flourish.
We want to develop children to their potential. To achieve this, school will help pupils to:
  • Develop lively enquiring minds, to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills;
  • Equip them to develop appropriate relationships with other children and adults and be sympathetic to the needs of others;
  • Acquire the skills of self-discipline and self-management; to understand the need for rules in the school, the community and beyond;
  • Appreciate human achievement and aspirations;
  • Instil respect and tolerance for religious and moral values of their own and other cultures in society;
  • Attain knowledge and skills that will enable them to contribute to our local and global communities;
  • Understand the world in which they live, including the interdependence of individual groups and nations;
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to subsequent stages in their education, adult life and employment;
  • Use language and numbers effectively.
In this way we seek to work with parents to fulfill each child’s intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.