Emmaville Primary School

Parental Communication

Home-School Communication
At Emmaville, we value the relationship between home and school; our motto 'Together We Grow' encompasses not only the staff and children, but also parents, governors and the wider community.  As such, our lines of communication with the parents and carers of our pupils are wide open.  We welcome new and prospective parents into school for guided tours, invite parents and carers to 'Meet the Teacher' sessions in the Autumn term and hold pupil progress consultations both in person and via telephone twice a year, followed by an extensive end-of-year report for each child.  
Additionally, the children all have a Seesaw account, which allows children to post homework activities and ask questions, which also gives  parents a convenient way to communicate with their child's teacher.  In addition, we subscribe to the Marvellous Me app, which allows staff to keep parents and carers informed of achievements and activities in school, as well as sending out useful reminders and information.  The link below is a useful guide on how to get the most out of Marvellous Me.
Parental Survey
At Emmaville Primary School we recognise that one of the ways we can continue to improve as a school is by encouraging feedback from our parents on a regular basis. Our School Council, together with staff, designed a questionnaire for parents to give them the opportunity to tell us what their child liked most about school and suggest any ways which they think our school can be improved.

Once collected in, the results and comments were collated and can be viewed by clicking on the link below. A summary of the main points is on display in the school.
We also canvassed parents for their views around how the two periods of Coronavirus lockdown had affected their children's learning and well-being.
A summary of the results of the short questionnaire can be found below, along with a more detailed spreadsheet of responses.