At Emmaville we believe that a high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Our mathematics curriculum does this, in the first instance through working within the Foundation Stage Curriculum using the Early Learning Goals. From Year 1 to Year 6, statutory requirements of the National Curriculum in Mathematics are met by fully implementing the National Curriculum objectives, which can be found here.
We recognise that a whole-school systematic approach to delivering quality maths, is vital to our success. We use a ‘Mastery Programme’ in which all pupils are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths they can succeed. Our teachers combine their strong subject knowledge with positivity and high expectations of our children to ensure that all children value their maths education and work hard to build confidence, resilience and aspire to achieve. Through fully adopting the mastery approach, alongside meeting the three main aims of the national curriculum for mathematics, we want all children at Emmaville to develop into confident and competent mathematical thinkers, who are able to use maths in real life situations.
Curriculum Drivers
The School’s Curriculum Drivers are reflected in our mathematics education:
Learning from the past
Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary in most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education, therefore, provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. At Emmaville we ensure that the children study a variety of significant Mathematicians that have changed history and the world we live in, and discover the story of how the particular Mathematician attained their career.
Living in the present
Mathematics at Emmaville gives children a way of coming to terms with their environment. Practical tasks and real-life problems are approached from a mathematical point of view. Our lessons provide children with imaginative areas of exploration and study and gives them the materials upon which to exercise their mathematical skills. These skills are a necessary tool of everyday life. In addition to this, our children are encouraged to work with each other, present their findings, and answer teacher questions. They communicate both in writing and orally using mathematics vocabulary and concepts. We believe that our approach to mathematics helps children to develop an appreciation of, and enjoyment in, the subject itself; as well as a realisation of its role in other curriculum areas.
Preparing for the future
We endeavour to ensure that our children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them throughout their lives in order to foster confidence and achievement in a skill that is vital in our society. Being confident mathematicians will not only develop more engineers and scientists, but also ensure that our young people can learn and think creatively and critically no matter their career fields.