Emmaville Primary School

Oceania Year 5

Welcome to the Oceania Year 5 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 11th October
It has been a busy but super week this week in Oceania class. We have been working our socks off across our lessons and pushing ourselves to try quite challenging things. We have been creating propaganda posters in Art, learning all about money in Maths and we have been exploring our new guided reading book called 'The Brockenspectre'. We have loved the suspense so far , made some fantastic predictions based on the text we have read and we can't wait to find out what the 'brockensprectre' is.
This week I wanted to share with you all the brilliant work we have been doing in History. We have started exploring WWI in our History lessons and in our lesson this week we explored the trenches in depth. We used a mixture of sources to help us to find evidence of what the trenches were like for the soldiers who were on the Western Front. We found out about the conditions that soldiers had to cope with whilst fighting and we thought about what it suggested about their life on the Western Front. We had a fantastic discussion in regards to how the soldiers must have felt and that they made such a big sacrifice of their life when fighting for Great Britain. 
Have a brilliant weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson
Friday 4th October
We have had such a wonderful week this week in Year 5. We have been exploring poetry throughout the week and celebrate National Poetry Day yesterday. It has been 30 years since it was first started and the children were set with a challenge of creating a poem based on the theme 'Your Voice Matters'. We had some absolutely wonderful poems written and shared by the children and 3 brilliant poets shared their pieces with the whole school during assembly. Please find their poems below. 
In addition to writing our own poems, we also have been exploring some different poets and poetic techniques. Some of the poets we have explored are Valerie Bloom, James Berry, Matt Goodfellow and Brian Moses. The children absolutely loved listening to their poems and in particular took a shine to the poem 'Walking with my iguana' by Brian Moses. They loved the rhythm Brian uses throughout the poem to keep the flow of the poem and we gave it a go ourselves. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Thompson

Your Voice Matters

It doesn’t matter that you are big or small, tough and tall, your voice matters.

It doesn’t matter that your a sporty guy, have a german passport, a mud pie maker or a pasta baker, your voice matters.

It doesn’t matter that your scared of bugs, or are you a bear that needs a hug, your voice matters.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man united fan or a man city man, your voice matters.

It really doesn’t matter if your scared to be alone or your bare to the bone because always your voice matters.

By Freddie H



Some voices are so loud they echo down the street,

Others so quiet they can’t make a squeak.

Some voices are as high as a scream,

Others as low as a beam.

Some croaky,

And some squeaky.

Others all over the place.

But we all have the human right to be heard,

And to say at least a word.

So stand up and be proud,

Read your poem to the crowd!!

By Eva N


Your voice matters!

You can stand up high and tall or hunch up into a little ball.

You could speak up and shout out loud or stay quiet and not make a sound.

You could be sporty and always jumping up and down or always be still and be sat down on the ground.

Your voice is a very important instrument you own so use it to speak and sing our loud and always remember your voice counts because your voice is what makes you you!

By Evie S

Friday 27th September
It has been such a busy week this week in Year 5 filled with so much learning but also so much progress. I couldn't be prouder of how well everyone is doing at settling into a new year group with new topics and they have shown such fantastic growth mindset at some quite challenging tasks. For example, this week the children have been writing their own warning stories in English using a number of new techniques that we have explored in our previous lessons. The creativity has shone through in their writing and I was so impressed by the stories they have developed. 
Over the past few weeks, we have taken part in some football coaching lessons with Warren. These have involved us learning skills to help us develop our football playing as well as team building games to support us working in cohesion with one another. Unfortunately, this week we weren't able to complete our session outside due to the weather however Warren still worked with us in school to develop our skills. During the session we completed skill practise with tennis balls where we were dribbling and passing the ball. Furthermore, we completed some fast-paced team games which involved us using cooperation and quick thinking to make decisions. These are vital skills that we need to use when we play football. We are really looking forward to our next session with Warren on Monday and hopefully the sun is shining. 
Have a lovely weekend everyone! 
Mrs Thompson
Friday 20th September
We have had a wonderful week in Oceania class this week. It feels like the days are flying over since our first day back at the start of September. This week we have been learning all about tenths and decimal places in Maths, created our own plans for an innovated warning story in English and we have explored together all about the different biomes Earth has in Geography. 
This week I wanted to share with you all the amazing work our budding artists have complete in class. We started our new topic in Art this half-term on Wednesday. During this half-term, we will be exploring all about propaganda poster linked to our learning in History. For our first lesson this week, we looked at what drawing is. We explored a number of famous artists and drawings that dated all the way back to 15,000BCE! We then discussed that one of the most important skills when drawing is observation. We were set with the challenge of drawing a number of objects onto a sheet through copying the various lines. We had to work really hard to ensure they were proportionate and also accurately spaced as to what the original drawing looked like. We were so quiet due to concentration, you could have heard a pin drop in the room. As a teacher, I was so impressed by their fantastic drawing skills and I have to say that I even think they put my drawings to shame. 
Have a lovely weekend everyone! 
Mrs Thompson
Friday 13th September 
What a brilliant week we have had in Year 5 Oceania this week. It has been filled full of learning as we are straight into our new Year 5 timetable. This week we got to go swimming for the first time on Tuesday morning at Blaydon Leisure Centre. The children were so excited to take part in this and they worked their socks off during their lesson. I am sure they are all very excited to take part in this again next week. 
This week I wanted to share with you some pictures that Mr Saddington took during our Science lesson where we began our new topic on investigating materials. We started the lesson off discussing lots of vocabulary linked to the properties of materials. Once we had discussed what each word meant , we then investigated some physical materials in our small groups. We discussed about the different properties that these materials had and sorted them accordingly. I was so impressed by the scientific vocabulary used by the children during and after the session and they had so much enthusiasm towards Science. Keep it up Oceania!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Thompson
Friday 6th September
Welcome back! It has been such a wonderful start to the term this week in Year 5 and I couldn't be more proud of how well Oceania has settled into a new classroom and new routine. This week we have been exploring the book 'Farther' in English, practising the methods of column addition and column multiplication in Maths and we have also created a pop-up book all about Oceania. 
Today we took part in a brilliant assembly by Picture News called #biggestassembly. There were over 500,000 children and teachers who took part in the virtual assembly and we were so excited to make the news as it was featuring on Newsround this week. The assembly focused on being part of a community and coming together following the riots that has taken place in the Summer holidays. The children were fantastic and contributing in the assembly to the discussions and I was so impressed by their attitudes towards communities. The biggest takeaway for all of was to treat others how we would like to be treated which I am sure is something that the children will always do in Oceania.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 
Mrs Thompson