Week beginning 17th February
England have had a great week! Highlights have included learning to perform a poem called 'Salad Days' for our annual school oracy competition where the children were very supportive to each other as they performed. We have also learned about Martin Luther King in History, and conducted a science experiment to explore waterproof materials.
Well done England!
Week beginning 10th February
This week England class were lucky to receive a visit from author Adam Bushnell. The class really enjoyed the range of creative activities they completed in the session including creating puzzle poetry based on Antarctic animals and designing their own ice queen. The session was very inspiring and the class are excited to use this creative inspiration to write their own stories based on their ice queens next week.
An added bonus to this exciting afternoon was a chance to say hello to Adam's pet tortoise Jet who had come along for the day!
Week beginning 3rd February
England Class have been exploring the question 'Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship'? this week in RE. As part of our learning, the class thought about characteristics of a good friend: What do they do and what do they not do?
The class shared their ideas using post it notes to create a 'model' class friend that they can aspire to be.
Week beginning 20th January
We have had a fantastic week in England class learning about a wide range of topics as always. In English, we wrote our imaginative innovations based on George and the Dragon including amazing adjectives in our work such as 'ferocious' and 'fierce'. In French, we enjoyed learning another French nursery rhyme and in Art the class embraced the opportunity to make some 3D drawings by folding and curling paper in imaginative ways.
Well done England!
Week Beginning 13th January
We have had a lovely week in England learning about a wide range of topics. In Art we completed an artist study about Christopher Wren, exploring the buildings he designed and sharing opinions about each example. In English, we continued our writing about George and the Dragon, starting to change the characters to make the story our own. We have especially enjoyed developing our targeted throwing skills as part of our 'Ball Skills' unit.
On Friday, the class celebrated filling their 'marble jar' with movie afternoon wearing pyjamas!
Have a lovely weekend!
Week beginning 6th January
Welcome back! We have a lovely week settling back into class and sharing what we have been up to over Christmas.
In a very exciting turn of events on Monday morning, we discovered some dragon footprints and eggs in our sandpit! The children have since created the best descriptive word bank for dragons I have ever seen! I hope they share some of their ideas with you!
We also had a visit from one of our parents who shared their experience of working as a paramedic. The children were able to look inside and ambulance and find out what was there. They looked great in the paramedic hard hats and got to find out how people could be moved in and out of the ambulance.
Happy Weekend!