Emmaville Primary School

Antarctica Year 5

Welcome to the Antarctica Year 5 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 26th April
In DT this week, we made fruit kebabs. Many of us tried fruits that we had never had before, and loved them! We used our chopping skills to make the fruit bite sized, then organised them on the skewer to make sure they looked appetising. We had a lot of fun!

On Tuesday this week, we were lucky enough to take a trip to the Oriental Museum at Durham University. Our guide for the day, Michael, made us honorary university students and our journey through the museum began!

First, we went into the gallery to complete a series of challenges that involved us finding different artefacts and thinking about what they might have been used for. It was great to explore the gallery and work as a team to explore.

Then, we went into the classroom for a handling artefacts session. We looked at some oracle bones, food storage pots, wine storage pots and jugs, as well as a mask. It was great to get to see some Shang items and truly understand what the Shang people may have used them for.

After lunch, we brushed up on our acting skills as we did a performance that told the story of the final Shang king. All he wanted to do was make his (very miserable) wife laugh, so he did lots of unkind things to others to make her happy. It ended very badly for him, and Ethan acted out his final moments brilliantly. Bravo to our brilliant actors and actresses for their performances.

Finally, it was time to create some artwork. Using embossing tools and gold foil, we decorated some Shang pots. Overall, it was a fantastic day and a brilliant way to consolidate our learning so far. What a great week!

Friday 19th April
Our first week back has been full of fun and learning. What a treat we had on Wednesday! We were visited by our friends from the Gateshead Music Service for a music workshop. This time, it was all about rhythms. We started with some body percussion, before moving to instruments. We used a range of instruments, including snare drums and tamborims, to make sounds using different rhythms being played together. We had a lot of fun, we always love their visits!
On Friday, we started our BikeAbility sessions. We had a lot of fun, and we can't wait to be out on the roads next week learning how to stay safe when we are on our bikes.