Emmaville Primary School

Northern Ireland Year 2

Welcome to the Northern Ireland Year 2 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Week beginning 7th October 2024
For the past couple of weeks in PE we have been working on our fundamental movement skills.  These skills aim to improve the children's coordination, balance and control. The fundamental movement skills are the building blocks for their future athletic abilities and include skills such as running, jumping, hopping, skipping and balancing.  A great start to our PE unit everyone.
Week beginning 30th September 2024
This week we have celebrated National Poetry Day, which took place on Thursday 3rd October.  Our English focus for the week was all based around poetry, specifically acrostic poems.  An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of each consecutive line spells a word, normally related to the theme of the poem. The theme for our poems was 'Leaves'.  We started off by going on a nature walk to find a leaf, we then used this as inspiration for our poems.  The children did a brilliant job of creating their acrostic poem using lots of description and ambitious vocabulary.  Please enjoy reading a small selection of our poems below, I'm sure you will agree that they are fantastic!
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
Wow - what a fab week we have had!  We have been busy writing some amazing adventure stories, carrying out or first science investigation and cooking in DT.  We also enjoyed exploring different instruments during our music lesson.  We talked about how there are lots of sounds all around us and that we use different words to help describe these sounds.  We then talked about the musical term 'pitch' and discussed how it is used to describe how high or low a sound is.  We did a great job of making our instruments play both a high and low pitch.  Super job Team Northern Ireland!
Week beginning 16th September 2024
Another super week in year 2 and this week I would really like to celebrate our amazing Makaton skills.  Each week we are introducing the children to a Makaton sign of the week which we use regularly throughout the week.  With the help of Mrs Di Pietro, this week we have been learning some of the actions to the song 'Cauliflower's Fluffy'.  I'll add the link to our song here as I'm sure your children would love to demonstrate their brilliant skills at home.  Fantastic work Northern Ireland class!
Week beginning 9th September 2024
We have had another great week in Northern Ireland class.  We have been very busy looking at multiples of 10 in Maths, learning a new model text in English called 'Fraction Man' and exploring materials in Science.  On Wednesday morning we enjoyed a brilliant Disney themed music workshop with Gateshead Music Service - it was lovely to see the children joining in with the singing and dancing!
A few of our wonderful children took part in the mini Great North Run at the weekend and enjoyed proudly sharing their achievement with the class - a big congratulations to you all.
Have a super weekend everyone!
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
A huge welcome to our Northern Ireland class page.  We have had an amazing first week in our new class and worked our socks off!  I have been particularly impressed with the children's maths knowledge particularly their use of STEM sentences and mathematical vocabulary.  The children have loved sharing their holiday bags with the class - it sounds like everyone had a brilliant summer!
I look forward to seeing you all next week for our 'Meet the Teacher' session.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Johnson, Mrs D and Miss Freeman