Emmaville Primary School

Southern Europe Year 3

Welcome to the Southern Europe Year 3 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
W/b 14/10/24
PE - Ball Skills
This half term, we have been learning ball skills in our PE lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. We started with dribbling and learning how to dribble using both our feet, used in games like football, and our hands, used in games like basketball and netball. This allowed us to look at types of dribbling and explore how it can can change from game to game.
The next weeks were spent developing our tracking skills. This meant looking at different ways of sending a receiving a ball. This included passing to a partner, again with both hands and feet, and being ready to receive he ball using our body position and, if we were catching, having big hands so we are ready. The skill was to track the ball so that it would arrive at our feet or land in our hands.
This week, we were putting our tracking skills together to play 'Catch Tennis'. In this game, two teams would stand on opposite sides of a set of cones, to represent a net, and we would send the ball to the other teams side, trying to get it to bounce twice. We have had so much fun learning and practicing all of these skills!
W/b 7/10/24
Making an eBook
Southern Europe have been using their technology skills to great effect this week! Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about how to keep our bodies healthy in Science. We have been learning about the importance of exercise and having a balanced diet, which foods we should eat more of and which we should eat less of. In our Computing lessons, we have been learning about eBooks and have been able to look at some eBooks and notice some things that we like about them. Then, we started to design our own eBooks all about healthy eating!
This week, we have been using Story Maker to help us make them on our iPads. First, we made our cover pages where we had our titles and the name of the author with a picture of the eat well plate. Then we made pages for each of the different food groups, including some information about each of them, then we found some pictures that we could use to show these food groups before recording a voice over for each of the pages! 
W/b 30/09/24
Stone Age Houses
This week in Southern Europe, we have been using clay and sticks to make models of stone age houses! Last week, we looked at the different types of houses that stone age people would have lived in and thought about how we would make one, using our books to create a design. This week, we brought in lots of sticks and got our clay to make into a dwelling. Some things did not go to plan when making them, but we were resilient and adapted our designs so we could make our models. Next week, we will be making sure they have stayed in their shape and editing them!
W/B 23/09/24
Over the past few weeks in English we have been learning the story of the Elf Road! This started when we saw a picture of a mysterious portal in school, so we started to learn about portals through this story. Then, we each planned our own story that we were going to write, using the Elf Road text to help us. This week, we have been very busy putting our ideas together to write our own stories including portals. We have gone to all kinds of different lands and seen many different creatures and items, some of us even brought something home with us in our stories, which grew into something amazing!
W/B 16/09/2024
There has been some fantastic maths this week in Southern Europe! We have been learning to add three addends together, as well as adding two addends which bridge 10! To help us do this, we have used a variety of methods:
- We have used counters and 10s frames to help us.
- We have partitioned one number using a part-part-whole model so we could use our number bonds to 10 and add the remaining number.
- We have partitioned both numbers into '5 and a bit' for example, 8 (5 and 3) + 7 (5 and 2) so we could add the fives together before adding whatever is left.
Using counters and 10s frames has really helped us to represent these numbers and see how we were making ten, then adding more to complete the sum. Well done Year 3!
W/B 09/09/2024
Tiny Tasters
We have had a fantastic week in Southern Europe class this week with many exciting things happening! We have done lots of work, we attended a very fun and exciting music workshop and we had a very special visit from Tiny Tasters! During this workshop we got to show our amazing culinary skills as we cut some pepper, cracked some eggs, seasoned our food and made some lovely Spanish Tortilla (or Tortilla de Patatas) to take home and try. This was a great experience for everyone and we are all so grateful to Mrs Marcangelo for her time and equipment so we could all take part! 
W/B 02/09/2024
First Week Back
We have had a fantastic first week back at school! We have done lots of work about the continent of Southern Europe in Geography, we have done our own pictures in they style of Modigliani and described what would be in our 'dream' school and our 'nightmare' school. It has been a great first week for me (Mr Robinson) here at Emmaville, it was lovely to welcome all of your children to Year 3 and to see some of you on Wednesday after at our 'Meet the Teacher' afternoon! I'm sure this will be a fantastic year for all of us in Southern Europe!