Emmaville Primary School

Africa Year 4

Welcome to the Africa Year 4 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 17th January 2025
We really enjoyed our music workshop this week, where we got to listen and sing along to music through the ages. We started with Elvis Presley in the 1950s and worked all the way up to George Ezra in the 2010s! The children had a great time singing and dancing along to lots of popular classics! 
This afternoon in Computing, we experimented on Scratch as part of our programming module. Last week we focused on creating an algorithm and making our sprite move around the screen by following a set of instructions. This week, we combined that with creating our own sprite and we were able to play around with different backgrounds, so our game design became more advanced! We worked so well together, especially when we encountered technical difficulties! 
Friday 10th January 2025
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. 
The first week back has absolutely flown over! In PE, we started our Gymnastics topic and we practiced some partner balances. We practiced tensing our muscles in order to help us balance and for our body to become stronger - we call this muscle tension. It was fantastic seeing the children communicate with each other so clearly, and focusing on keeping each other safe. 
In Art this week we looked at tints and shades. Using paint, we created a gradient where we took a colour and, by adding either black or white to it, were able to change the tint and shade. We learnt that when you make a colour darker, it is known as a shade. When you make a colour lighter it is known as a tint. The children did some fantastic pieces of work.