Emmaville Primary School

Asia Year 4

Welcome to the Asia Year 4 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.



The children of class Asia have had a great week to end Spring Term 1. Two areas they have developed is their computing and poetry performance. In computing, the children have learnt how to progamme using variables to create a quiz. In English, we had a focus on oracy and performance poetry. The children chose their favourite poem about food and practiced performing it. They tried to include a range of performance devices that had been discussed. All the children were super performing them. One child will be chosen from the class as a winner, and from each class winner, a first, second and third will be chosen for the whole school.

Class Asia, have a super half-term break. You have worked super hard and been a delight. Enjoy your break.  



This week has been a busy week preparing and practicing for our Year Four assembly. The children have been brilliant learning their lines, practicing their performance, taking on feedback and improving, learning their stage movements, and building confidence. The final result was a wonderful assembly where both classes entertained and had fun. We are very proud of Class Asia and Africa. Well done children, and thank you families for your support.



Year Four have had another great week. We have been working on explanation texts in English, Volcanoes in geography, coordinate in maths, condensation in science and Judaism in RE, amongst other things. What has stood out though has been our start to gymnastics in PE. The children have been supper learners for individual and partner balances and creating a final routine. As always, the children have worked their socks off and treated each other with respect. They have also all achieved their recognition board goal linked to partner work.



This week the children have been doing a range of writing across the curriculum and have produced some lovely pieces. In response to the text ‘The Tear Thief’, they wrote backstories for the Tear Thief based on their own ‘wonderings’ about her life. They also, wrote an application letter for the job of Tear Thief based on what they inferred the role would require. And in history, after exploring different points of view about Queen Mary I’s reign, the class wrote excellent discussion texts about whether she deserved the name ‘Bloody Mary’. I was so impressed with their knowledge and creativity, and their ability to apply the skills they had learnt in English to their writing. Well done Class Asia; they are always trying their best, and this week they all were recognized on our recognition board for their independence.


Class Asia have had a great week of learning. One area has been art where we have been learning about tints and shades and how they can be used to help create a 3D effect. The children created super 3D paintings using the tint and shade technique. We joined the Gateshead Music Workshop where we took part in history of music from the modern era, and some of the children got to perform at the front. In addition, we have continued developing our trumpet skills. Well done Class Asia.