Emmaville Primary School

Crawcrook Nursery

Welcome to the Crawcrook Nursery Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Week Ending Friday 3rd May 2024
This week in nursery we have been getting ready for our trip to Hall Hill Farm next week.
We have been reading lots of farm themed books to find out about the animals that we might see whilst we are there.
We have also investigated where milk comes from and the children learned how to safely chop up fruit to make some delicious milkshakes. 
We have also played some fun movement games outside, thinking of ways to move like different animals and completing the movements on 'stop / go' commands.
Dingle Dangle Scarecrow was one of the children's favourite actions rhymes this week. 
Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024
We have had a lovely week learning about the life cycle of a frog. 
We began the week learning The Little Frog poem and practising this with actions. Then we looked at some real tadpoles with our magnifying glasses. We have ordered the lifecycle of a frog and know that a frog grows from frog spawn.
We have loved singing 5 Little Spackled Frogs and practised counting and subtracting using cubes whilst singing the song.
Week Ending Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome back Nursery and welcome to the summer term. 
We have had a good week, settling back in after the holidays with lots of outdoor play with our friends.
The children were also excited to see our new nursery recruits...not new children...five baby caterpillars that we are going to observe and look after.
The children learned about the life cycle of caterpillars, used The Very Hungry Caterpillar story to practice talking about and sequencing a story, made caterpillars by threading bobbins to practice fine motor skills, and maths skills to subitise and count dice patterns to make playdough caterpillars.
Our two-year-old children have also been demonstrating their ever-increasing love of books by independently looking at their favourite books in our Rainbow Room. The videos that Miss James managed to capture of them talking about their books are just lovely!